Last Update: 18-07-2014 15:21
Judge H :
Christina Klingspor (SWE)
Judge C :
Martin Plewa (GER)
Judge B :
Alain James (FRA)
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[400]  Ludwig Svennerstal  (SWE) - Alexander
No. Letter Description COS H C B
1 I Halt. Salute
2 HE Shoulder-in Left
3 EF Medium trot
4 KE Shoulder-in right
5 EM Medium trot
6 HXF Extended trot
7 Transitions
8 After A Half-pass right
9 Half-pass left
10 MSE Extended walk
11 X Halt, immobility
12 Rein-back 5 steps
13 CL Serpentine of 2 loops
14 KD Half circle left 10m
15 S Circle right 20m
16 SHC Collected canter
17 CL Serpentine of 2 loops
18 FD Half circle right 10m
19 HK Extended canter
20 Transitions
21 L Halt. Immobility. Salute
22 Paces
23 Impulsion
24 Submission
25 Rider's position and seat
To be deducted
Final Score
Percentage % % %
Total 0.00  (43)  %